Pocket Collections

Pocket Collections

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Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs

One pop tab doesn't seem like a treasure trove,but when people across the country collect them and pool the resource, the funds raised by the sale of the aluminum can buy much needed wheelchairs and accessibility equipment for children who are in need of the freedom and independence these gifts allow.
Click Here for "Pop Tabs for Wheelchairs" Website

Stamps for Bibles

Wait, did that envelope have a real postage stamp on it?
Can you cut around it with a quarter inch border?
Save it and when you are ready to send in a collection,
send them to the Canadian Bible Society.
They sell these stamps in bulk to collectors and use the money to fund their ministry to provide Bibles where needed.
Click Here for "Canadian Bible Society" Website

Used Eyeglasses for Vision

Are your old eyeglasses history?
No longer good for your vision?
Contribute to the vision of many optometrists who aim to use old glasses for enhanced vision
for people in third world countries who can't afford the luxury of clearer sight.
Many eye doctors and optometrists have a collection box in their office or store. Check for one near you.
Click Here for"Third World Eye Care Society Canada"
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